
Explore Epidemic

The table of contents for our Summer 2020 issue.

By Lapham’s Quarterly

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Summer 2020 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly, Epidemic, is now available. With original essays by Mike Jay, Travis Chi Wing Lau, and Francine Prose; Voices in Time contributions by Ai Fen, S. Josephine Baker, Mikhail Bulgakov, Willa Cather, Daniel Defoe, Ibn al-Wardi, William Langland, Lucretius, Alessandro Manzoni, Gene Tierney, Barbara Tuchman, David Wojnarowicz, and others; and art by Francisco Goya, Paul Klee, Georges Seurat, and others.

Subscribe now and receive Epidemic as your first issue.

Subscriber Alert: The Epidemic issue has mailed to subscribers and will be arriving shortly. Digital subscriptions have been delivered to subscribers and can be accessed here. The Fall 2020 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly will be published and delivered to subscribers in December. If you have questions about your subscription or are experiencing subscription difficulties, please call (877) 890-3001 or email If outside the U.S., please call (903) 636-1126.

Cover of Epidemic, the Summer 2020 issue of Lapham’s Quarterly.

Cover | Saint Martin Brings a Dead Man to Life, Flemish roundel, c. 1430
Program Notes | Among the Contributors
Map | The Name Blame Game
Preamble | Francine Prose, Signs and Wonders

2019: Wuhan | Ai Fen
430 bc: Athens | Lucretius
c. 1844: Manchester | Friedrich Engels
1634: Plymouth Colony | William Bradford
2017: Durham, CT | James C. Scott
1348: Aleppo | Ibn al-Wardi
1665: London | Samuel Pepys
1520: Iximche | Annals of the Kaqchikel
2013: San Francisco | Jack London
1792: Zhaozhou | Shi Daonan
1918: Atlantic Ocean | Willa Cather
1666: Blazing World | Margaret Cavendish
1954: Thalia, TX | Larry McMurtry
2015: Geneva | World Health Organization
1962: Bukoba | A.M. Rankin & P.J. Philip
1630: Milan | Alessandro Manzoni
2020: West Liberty, OH | West Liberty First Church of God
1918: Delhi | Ahmed Ali
1592: Croydon | Thomas Nashe
1935: Boston | Hans Zinsser
2006: Zambia | Namwali Serpell
c 1378: Worcestershire | William Langland
1520: Tenochtitlán | Bernardino de Sahagún
2094: Windsor | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
1936: Katzie | Old Pierre
c. 77: Rome | Pliny the Elder
1911: Venice | Thomas Mann
c. 1295: Egypt | Al-Nuwayri

2014: Suakoko | Sheri Fink
1631: Monte Lupo | Carlo M. Cipolla
1832: Paris | Heinrich Heine
1983: New York City | Richard Berkowitz & Michael Callen
1869: London | Ladies’ National Association
c. 27 bc: Rome | Vitruvius
1665: London | Daniel Defoe
2015: Ithaca, NY | Zombie Epidemiology Study
1815: Naples | Jean-Antoine-François Ozanam
1724: Tagami | Morita Morimasa
1918: Virginia | Ellen Bryant Voigt
c. 1150: Cornwall | Béroul
1989: Reston, VA | Richard Preston
1820: Naples | John Keats
c. 30 bc: Rome | Virgil
1892: New York City | Harper’s Weekly
1374: Milan | Bernabò Visconti
1789: Bedfordshire | John Howard
c. 1360: Morocco | Ibn al-Khatib
1824: London | Charles Maclean
1321: France | Carlo Ginzburg
1893: Jeddah | Dr. Olschanietzki
1939: Princeton, NJ | S. Josephine Baker
c. 1400: Milan | Dom Theophilus of Milan

2020: Los Angeles | Karl Taro Greenfeld
c. 30: Galilee | Gospel According to Mark
c. 1728: England | Voltaire
1912: Wyandotte, OK | Catherine Johnson
1937: Prague | Karel Čapek
c. 1351: Europe | Barbara Tuchman
c. 1816: Mount Kugami | Ryokan
1992: New York City | David Wojnarowicz
c. 1100 bc: India | Atharvaveda
1979: Houston | Gene Tierney
1349: London | Ordinance of Laborers
1917: Smolensk | Mikhail Bulgakov
1662: London | John Graunt
1797: New York City | Noah Webster
652: Guanzhong | Sun Simiao
c. 1350: Norfolk | Sylvia Townsend Warner
1999: Harefield | Grey Gowrie
c. 300 bc: China | Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine
2003: Johannesburg | Adam Levin
1624: London | John Donne
1972: New Haven, CT | Lewis Thomas
1497: Tuscany | George Eliot
c. 1650: China | Ledger of Merit and Demerit
1918: Denver | Katherine Anne Porter

The Virus and the Martians | Mike Jay
What Preparations Are Due? | Travis Chi Wing Lau

Conversations | Johnson, Woolf, Martineau
Miscellany | Sick Bathing, Puppy Sacrifice, Sea-Bass Toss
Glossary | Poison King, Quaranteen, Sneeze Guard
Sources | Readings & Art