Voices In Time Epidemic 1939 | Princeton, NJ Super Spreader S. Josephine Baker tracks down Typhoid Mary.More
Voices In Time Foreigners 1922 | London Land Grab George Sydenham Clarke demurs on the question of a Jewish homeland.More
Voices In Time Memory 1903 | New York City All Ideas Are Secondhand Mark Twain reassures a young Helen Keller.More
Voices In Time The Future 1916 | New York City Springtime for Women Jill will no longer have to ask, “Can Jack support me?”More
Voices In Time Migration 1916 | Constantinople The Deported Ambassador Henry Morgenthau protests the expulsion of Armenians.More
Voices In Time Crimes & Punishments 1917 | Arabia Conflict Resolution T.E. Lawrence defuses a fight. More
Voices In Time Memory 1907 | Cambridge, MA All Rise Hugo Münsterberg on the unreliability of memories.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games 1903 | Detroit Race Car Henry Ford remembers the car that changed everything.More