Voices In Time Sports & Games 1621 | Oxford Endgames Robert Burton on the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.More
Voices In Time Youth 1688 | France Little Monsters Idleness, indolence, and laziness, vices so natural to children, disappear as soon as they begin to play.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1620 | London The Scientific Method Francis Bacon’s inductive reasoning.More
Voices In Time Flesh 1671 | England What to Expect When You’re Expecting A midwife explains it all.More
Voices In Time Disaster 1666 | London Annus Horribilis Edward Hyde looks at what’s left after the fire.More
Voices In Time Luck 1609 | Stratford-Upon-Avon Trading Places “I scorn to change my state with kings.”More