

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

—Arthur Schopenhauer, 1851

When they shout “Long live progress,” always ask, “Progress of what?”

—Stanisław Jerzy Lec, 1957

How gloriously legible are the constellations of the heavens!

—Anthony Trollope, 1859

What one man can invent another can discover.

—Arthur Conan Doyle, 1905

What one man can invent another can discover.

—Arthur Conan Doyle, 1905

The unknown is the largest need of the intellect.

—Emily Dickinson, 1876

New things are always ugly.

—Willa Cather, 1921

Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.

—Miguel de Unamuno, 1913

Most new discoveries are suddenly-seen things that were always there.

—Susanne K. Langer, 1942

There are truths that prove their discoverers witless.

—Karl Kraus, 1909