Voices In Time Foreigners 1922 | London Land Grab George Sydenham Clarke demurs on the question of a Jewish homeland.More
Voices In Time Celebrity c. 1920 | United States Dreamboat Rudolph Valentino and a million swooning fans.More
Voices In Time Time 1925 | Dayton, TN Like Day and Night Clarence Darrow determines the age of the Earth.More
Voices In Time Time 1906 | Dunsany Declaration of War Time hurled five years against them, and the years passed over their heads.More
Voices In Time Democracy 1918 | Tokyo Old School Ozaki Yukio explains how political parties work in Japan. More
Voices In Time Memory 1903 | New York City All Ideas Are Secondhand Mark Twain reassures a young Helen Keller.More
Voices In Time Time 1919 | Pangbourne The Incarnate Now Is Supreme Poetry is the voice of the far future or of the magnificent past.More
Voices In Time The Sea 1921 | New York City Unconscious Desecration The sea has nothing to give but a well-excavated grave.More