Voices In Time Foreigners 1891 | Tahiti Paul Gauguin Reborn “All the joys—animal and human—of a free life are mine.”More
Voices In Time The Sea 1503 | Jamaica Wonderful Complaints Christopher Columbus recounts his trials and tribulations.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1918 | Atlantic Ocean Pro Patria Mori Willa Cather watches an outbreak and funeral at sea.More
Voices In Time Rivalry & Feud c. 3760 BC | Hell Devil’s Advocate Satan prepares to take on heaven.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1666 | Blazing World Contact Tracing Margaret Cavendish investigates how the spotted plague is spread.More
Voices In Time Energy 1909 | Atlantic Ocean Civilization Mohandas K. Gandhi considers a treatable disease.More
Voices In Time Foreigners c. 1611 | Prospero’s Island Claims Dispute Who is the true lord of the land?More
Voices In Time Flesh c. 1843 | Indian Ocean Preparing the Fish A whale like a block of Berkshire marble. More
Voices In Time About Money 1516 | Utopia A Galaxy Far, Far Away Thomas More on the persistent power of Utopia.More
Voices In Time Democracy c. 1720 | Atlantic Ocean Maritime Law Charles Johnson enumerates the rules of pirates.More
Voices In Time Philanthropy 1916 | Trobriand Islands Rating the Exchange Bronislaw Malinowski watches and learns. More
Voices In Time Discovery 1666 | Blazing World Seeing Is Believing Margaret Cavendish delights in artificial delusions.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1792 | Saint-Domingue Nonnegotiable Demands Toussaint Louverture resolves to live free or die.More