American poet, journalist, and essayist Walt Whitman.

Walt Whitman

(1819 - 1892)

Walt Whitman became the editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle in 1846 but was fired two years later for his support of the antislavery Free Soil Party. Unable to find a publisher for the first edition of Leaves of Grass in 1855, he sold a house to pay for its printing; the book appeared without his name and fell on mostly stony ground. Ralph Waldo Emerson, however, pronounced it “the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom” that America had yet produced.

All Writing

Voices In Time

1876 | Laurel Springs, NJ

Looking Up

Walt Whitman has a happy hour.More

And your very flesh shall be a great poem.

—Walt Whitman, 1855

Voices In Time

1862 | Falmouth, VA


Walt Whitman tends to the wounded the best he can.More

Voices In Time

1865 | Brooklyn

Parade Music

Walt Whitman’s paean to town and country.More

The future is no more uncertain than the present.

—Walt Whitman, 1856


Alfred D’Orsay Tennyson Dickens, Henry Fielding Dickens, Edward Bulwer-Lytton Dickens, Walter Landor Dickens, and Sydney Smith Haldimand Dickens were among the names of Charles Dickens’ sons. Among the brothers of Walter Whitman were George Washington Whitman, Andrew Jackson Whitman, and Thomas Jefferson Whitman.

Voices In Time

1885 | Camden, NJ

Borrowing a Simile

Walt Whitman marvels at the ceaseless evolution of slang in America.More

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