Painted portrait of English poet John Milton.

John Milton

(1608 - 1674)

Born in 1608, three years before the publication of the King James Bible, John Milton grew up in a house on the same London street as the Mermaid Tavern, where Ben Jonson liked to drink. Milton wrote his tracts “The Reason of Church Government” in 1642 and “Areopagitica” in 1644, and he became secretary for foreign tongues for the Commonwealth in 1649. When he published Paradise Lost in 1667, it was reportedly hailed in the House of Commons as “the noblest poem that ever was wrote in any language or any age.”

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Voices In Time

1644 | London

Live in Sin

John Milton argues that the will cannot be licensed.More

What hath night to do with sleep?

—John Milton, 1637

Voices In Time

1644 | London

Misspent Youth

John Milton repairs the ruins of education.More


The verb ostracize derives from the Greek word ostracon, a potsherd on which each citizen wrote the name of one well-known citizen whom they wished to banish from the polis. The first published use of the word in English dates from 1649, in a poetic elegy to young Lord Hastings, a Royalist supporter of Charles I: “Therefore the Democratic stars did rise,/And all that worth from hence did ostracize.” The author was Andrew Marvell, who, not long after, served in Oliver Cromwell’s commonwealth government along with the secretary for foreign tongues, John Milton.

Voices In Time

1667 | London

Attack Plans

Moloch calls for an open war on heaven.More

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