

Color photograph of American writer Annie Dillard.

Annie Dillard

Loren Eiseley

(1907 - 1977)

Black and white photograph of American writer and exponent of Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 - 1882)

American physicist Richard Feynman.

Richard Feynman

(1918 - 1988)

Black and white photograph of Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud with cigar.

Sigmund Freud

(1856 - 1949)

Paul Gauguin

(1848 - 1903)

German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(1749 - 1832)

Al Gore

At the age of seventeen, Hawthorne mused to his mother about the possibility of “relying for support upon my pen.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne

(1804 - 1864)

Painting of Greek philosopher Heraclitus weeping over a globe.


(c. 540 BC - c. 480 BC)

Sculpture bust of Greek historian Herodotus.


(c. 484 BC - c. 425 BC)

Black and white photograph of former chancellor and Führer of Germany Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler

(1889 - 1945)

Edward Hoagland

Portrait bust of presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey Homer.


(c. 800 BC - 725 BC)

Painted portrait of German naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt.

Alexander von Humboldt

(1769 - 1859)

British author Aldous Huxley.

Aldous Huxley

(1894 - 1963)

Andrew Jackson

(1767 - 1845)

Jane Jacobs

(1916 - 2006)

Robinson Jeffers

(1887 - 1962)

Portrait of third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson

(1743 - 1826)

Immanuel Kant

(1724 - 1804)

Color photograph of writer and editor Garret Keizer.

Garret Keizer

Jamaica Kincaid

Lewis Lapham at his desk

Lewis H. Lapham