

Jack Beatty

Sculpture bust of legendary Greek fabulist Aesop.


(c. 620 BC - c. 564 BC)

Rose Allatini

(1890 - 1980)

Woman with short gray hair seated with a book open in her lap

Maya Angelou

(1928 - 2014)

Kenneth Anger

Color drawing of Jane Austen sitting in a chair wearing a blue dress

Jane Austen

(1775 - 1817)

Image of French writer Honoré de Balzac with hand on chest.

Honoré de Balzac

(1799 - 1850)

Black and white photograph of French writer and feminist Simone de Beauvoir.

Simone de Beauvoir

(1908 - 1986)

Ambrose Bierce

Ambrose Bierce

(1842 - c. 1914)

William Blackstone

(1723 - 1780)

Italian poet and scholar Giovanni Boccaccio.

Giovanni Boccaccio

(1313 - 1375)

James Thomson Callender

(1758 - 1803)

Hazel D. Campbell

(1940 - 2018)

Wheel of Fortune from the Carmina Burana.

Carmina Burana

Sébastien-Roch Nicolas Chamfort

(1741 - 1794)

Russian author Anton Chekhov.

Anton Chekhov

(1860 - 1904)

Chong Yagyong

(1762 - 1836)

J.M. Coetzee

Quentin Crisp

(1908 - 1999)

E.L. Doctorow

(1931 - 2015)

Pastel drawing of George Eliot.

George Eliot

(1819 - 1880)

James Ellroy

Rosario Ferré

(1938 - 2016)

Janet Flanner

(1892 - 1978)