

Edward Abbey

(1927 - 1989)

Fleur Adcock

Idris Ali

(1940 - 2010)


A.R. Ammons

(1926 - 2001)

Photo of stone Aristotle statue face


(384 BC - 322 BC)

Decimus Magnus Ausonius

(c. 310 - c. 395)

Photograph of American novelist Mary Austin.

Mary Austin

(1868 - 1934)

Portrait of Francis Bacon in sixteenth-century armor.

Francis Bacon

(1561 - 1626)

Philip Ball. Photograph by Richard Haughton.

Philip Ball

Joseph Brodsky

(1940 - 1996)

William Bullein

(c. 1515 - 1576)

Wheel of Fortune from the Carmina Burana.

Carmina Burana

Anne Carson

Photograph of Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

(1907 - 1964)

François-René de Chateaubriand

(1768 - 1848)

C.A. Davids

Carolina Maria de Jesus

(1914 - 1977)

Bernard De Voto

(1897 - 1955)

Joan Didion

(1934 - 2021)

Color photograph of American writer Annie Dillard.

Annie Dillard

Loren Eiseley

(1907 - 1977)

Louise Erdrich

Photograph of William Faulkner sitting in a chair.

William Faulkner

(1897 - 1962)