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Peter Abelard
(1079 - 1142)
Henry Adams
(1838 - 1918)
Abigail Smith Adams
(1744 - 1818)
Jane Addams
(1860 - 1935)
Alcuin of York
(c. 732 - 804)
(c. 446 BC - c. 386 BC)
(384 BC - 322 BC)
James Baldwin
(1924 - 1987)
Donald Barthelme
(1931 - 1989)
Elizabeth Bishop
(1911 - 1979)
Allan Bloom
(1933 - 1992)
(c. 480 - c. 524)
Bertolt Brecht
(1898 - 1956)
Nicholas Breton
(1545 - 1626)
Charlotte Brontë
(1816 - 1855)
Anatole Broyard
(1920 - 1990)
Robert Burton
(1577 - 1640)
Baldassare Castiglione
(1478 - 1529)
Catherine the Great
(1729 - 1796)
Geoffrey Chaucer
(c. 1342 - 1400)