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Joseph Addison
(1672 - 1719)
Abu al-Fadl Jafar ibn Ali al-Dimashqi
Jorge Amado
(1912 - 2001)
(384 BC - 322 BC)
Herbert Asbury
(1889 - 1963)
Gertrude Bell
(1868 - 1926)
Walter Benjamin
(1892 - 1940)
Fernand Braudel
(1902 - 1985)
Christine de Pisan
(1364 - c. 1430)
Marcus Tullius Cicero
(106 BC - 43 BC)
Joseph Conrad
(1857 - 1924)
Curly Chief
(c. 1827 - c. 1897)
Ferdinand de Lesseps
(1805 - 1894)
Bernal Díaz del Castillo
(c. 1495 - 1584)
Maria Edgeworth
(1767 - 1849)
William Elford
(1749 - 1837)
Friedrich Engels
(1820 - 1895)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
(1835 - 1901)
Eduardo Galeano
(1940 - 2015)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(1860 - 1935)
Glückel of Hameln
(c. 1646 - 1724)