Voices In Time The Sea 1941 | Sea of Cortez Boat-Shaped Mind John Steinbeck ponders the strange identification of man with boat.More
Voices In Time The Sea 1914 | Panama Accurate Forecasting James Bryce on “the greatest liberty man has ever taken with nature.”More
Voices In Time The Sea 1929 | Caribbean Sea Securing the Hatches Richard Hughes braves a hurricane and lives to tell the tale. More
Voices In Time Democracy 1970 | Santiago Electoral Tampering A Korrygram on a closely watched election.More
Voices In Time Animals c. 1843 | Pacific Ocean In the Mouth of a Whale Herman Melville and the watery beast. More
Voices In Time The City 1520 | Tenochtitlán Nothing Is Equal Cortés extols the splendor of the Aztecs.More
Voices In Time The Sea 1955 | Caribbean Sea Infinite Solitude Gabriel García Márquez alone and adrift. More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1826 | Lima Of All Human Rewards Simón Bolívar sends a thank-you note.More
Voices In Time Politics 2011 | Lima Introducing the Candidates Daniel Alarcón covers the election in cell block seven.More
Voices In Time Food c. 1690 | Mexico City If Aristotle Had Cooked Contemplating the philosophy of the kitchen.More
Voices In Time Trade 1904 | Sulaco Material Interests Joseph Conrad on exploiting natural resources.More
Voices In Time Intoxication c. 1949 | Mexico Sounds of the Second Coming Jack Kerouac visits a Mexican house of ill repute.More