Voices In Time Education c. 1595 | Navarre Stand to Reason William Shakespeare commits to studying.More
Voices In Time Death c. 1573 | Aquitaine Living at Life’s Expense Montaigne considers death and life.More
Voices In Time Medicine 1554 | Montpellier Body Snatchers Bringing out the dead in medieval France.More
Voices In Time Politics 1507 | Urbino Camera Ready “Practice in all things a certain nonchalance.”More
Voices In Time States of War 1588 | Tilbury Taking Up Arms Elizabeth of England vs. Philip of Spain.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1520 | Iximche Invasion of the Body Snatchers An accounting of the pestilence.More
Voices In Time Intoxication 1530 | Veste Coburg To Spite the Devil Martin Luther drinks his demons away.More
Voices In Time Youth c. 1550 | Shanyin Sweet and Cold What a shame that I have carried a boy, as he ate some candy, to his death.More
Voices In Time Water c. 1535 | Europe Mineral Water Paracelsus goes back to the beginning of an element.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 1548 | Geneva Assigned Positions John Calvin explains how to find your vocation.More
Voices In Time Philanthropy 1596 | Venice Mightier Than the Scepter What is the quality of mercy?More