Voices In Time Celebrity c. 2100 BC | Mesopotamia Press Release Ur-Nammu, not lacking in confidence.More
Voices In Time Religion c. 166 BC | Judaea Blood on the Altar Judas Maccabeus restores the temple.More
Voices In Time Celebrity c. 1045 BC | Fenghao View from the Top Great, indeed, is the mandate of heaven.More
Voices In Time Spies c. 33 | Jerusalem Disciple and Punish Judas and the thirty pieces of silver.More
Voices In Time Eros c. 950 BC | Jerusalem Treasure on Earth The joints of thy thighs are like jewels.More
Voices In Time Luck c. 85 | Shangyu Natural Causes “Reward and trust is good fortune, punishment and suspicion, bad.”More
Voices In Time The Future c. 335 BC | Henan Leave It All to Fate Confucius offers some advice on patience.More
Voices In Time The Sea c. 150 | Samosata Sex on the Beach Zeus has his way with Europa on the shore.More
Voices In Time Ways of Learning c. 500 BC | Lu Seek and Ye Shall Find Confucius on the hierarchy of knowledge. More