Voices In Time Epidemic 1918 | Atlantic Ocean Pro Patria Mori Willa Cather watches an outbreak and funeral at sea.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1939 | Princeton, NJ Super Spreader S. Josephine Baker tracks down Typhoid Mary.More
Voices In Time Epidemic c. 1844 | Manchester Means of Destruction Friedrich Engels on the conditions inflicted upon the working class.More
Voices In Time Epidemic c. 1728 | England Custom of the Country Voltaire the vaccination tourist.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1666 | Blazing World Contact Tracing Margaret Cavendish investigates how the spotted plague is spread.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1824 | London Against Contagion Charles Maclean decries the “terror” of sanitary laws.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1912 | Wyandotte, OK Safe at Last Catherine Johnson on a time-tested immunity booster.More