Voices In Time Book of Nature 1667 | London Distance Inexpressible John Milton on living under a cloud of unknowing.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1620 | Cape Cod A Hideous and Desolate Wilderness Colonists survey their new home. More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1687 | Cambridge Law of the Land Isaac Newton’s rules for investigating phenomena.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1749 | Paris A Shortage of Rational Conjectures On the importance of the superficial.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1170 | Cîteaux Mirror of Nature Alain de Lille on the seasons of humankind.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1818 | Ingolstadt Intelligent Design Frankenstein breaks through the bounds of death.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1893 | Chicago The End of History Frederick Jackson Turner outlines the importance of frontiers. More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1864 | Turin Cultivation and Its Discontents “Man is everywhere a disturbing agent.”More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1891 | Polynesia Natural Resources Paul Gauguin lives differently. More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1803 | Cambridge Population Control Thomas Malthus on mankind living beyond its means.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 4000 BC | Eden As It Was in the Beginning God gets down to business.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 2008 | Dubai Paradise Regained The world really can revolve around you.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1865 | Brooklyn Parade Music Walt Whitman’s paean to town and country.More