Voices In Time Food c. 1512 | Florence Table Decoration A book made of lasagna—how bad can that be?More
Voices In Time Food c. 2200 BC | Sumer Father Enki’s Amber Waves of Grain A Sumerian god spreads his seed.More
Voices In Time Food c. 1945 | Bergen-Belsen Bread Is Gold At Bergen-Belsen, hunger crushes the spirit.More
Voices In Time Food c. 1680 | Edo Tonight’s Moon, Tomorrow’s Hangover The morning after among the cherry blossoms.More
Voices In Time Food 1906 | Chicago Upton Sinclair Tours the Factory A behind-the-scenes look at meatpacking.More
Voices In Time Food 1971 | Berkeley Paradigm Shift Greil Marcus witnesses the birth of a movement.More
Voices In Time Food 1838 | Auteuil Procuring Impossibilities Easy entertaining with the Count of Monte Cristo.More