Voices In Time Time c. 50 BC | Judaea Literal Interpretation How can a man sleep or be like a dreamer for seventy years?More
Voices In Time Time 1851 | Frankfurt The Blessed Calm of Nonexistence Schopenhauer considers life’s disappointments.More
Voices In Time Time 1966 | Australia Now or Never Time is running out, and time is close at hand.More
Voices In Time Time 2005 | Cambridge Stephen Hawking Travels Back in Time In the beginning, there was...More
Voices In Time Time 1854 | Concord, MA The Forsaking of Works Henry David Thoreau adjusts to life by the pond.More
Voices In Time Time 1742 | Welwyn Toward the Precipice of Death As Atlas groaned, the world beneath, we groan beneath an hour.More
Voices In Time Time c. 195 | Rome Hacked-Up Days In ancient Rome, we’re all slaves to the sundial. More
Voices In Time Time 1906 | Dunsany Declaration of War Time hurled five years against them, and the years passed over their heads.More
Voices In Time Time 1784 | Paris Daylight Savings Benjamin Franklin suggests using sunshine instead of candles.More
Voices In Time Time c. 330 BC | Athens Of Things That Exist Aristotle struggles to define the present moment.More
Voices In Time Time 1874 | Basel Man vs. Animal Friedrich Nietzsche separates the historical and unhistorical.More