Sculpture bust of legendary Greek fabulist Aesop.


(c. 620 BC - c. 564 BC)

The earliest known mention of Aesop is found in HerodotusThe Histories, in reference to the courtesan Rhodopis: “She was by birth a Thracian, the slave of Iadmon, son of Hephaestopolis of Samos, and fellow slave of Aesop the fable writer.” Aesop’s work was known and alluded to by Plato, Aristotle, and Aristophanes; in the latter’s play The Birds one character attributes another’s ignorance to the fact that he has “a blind, uninquisitive mind, unaccustomed to poring over Aesop.”

All Writing

Appearances often are deceiving.

—Aesop, c. 550 BC

Voices In Time

c. 600 BC | Greece

Wrong Move

Aesop’s fable warns against the follies of youth. More

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