

James Orbinski

English novelist, essayist, and critic George Orwell.

George Orwell

(1903 - 1950)

Louis Pasteur

(1822 - 1895)

English art historian, novelist and journalist Iain Pears.

Iain Pears

Depiction of Greek philosopher Plato.


(c. 427 BC - c. 347 BC)

Felix Platter

(1536 - 1614)

Photograph of Marcel Proust looking pensive.

Marcel Proust

(1871 - 1922)

Italian poet and librettist Felice Romani.

Felice Romani

(1788 - 1865)

Color photograph of Oliver Sacks with a white beard and glasses.

Oliver Sacks

(1933 - 2015)

Quintus Serenus Sammonicus

Black and white photograph of Alsatian-German winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Albert Schweitzer.

Albert Schweitzer

(1875 - 1965)

Surgeon and author Richard Selzer.

Richard Selzer

(1928 - 2016)

Black and white image of Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca the Younger.

Seneca the Younger

(4 BC - 65)

Susan Sontag

(1933 - 2004)


(c. 150 - c. 200)

American writer William Styron.

William Styron

(1925 - 2006)

Classical bust of Thucydides.


(c. 460 BC - c. 404 BC)

Andreas Vesalius

(1514 - 1564)

photograph of David Foster Wallace speaking at a podium

David Foster Wallace

(1962 - 2008)

John Wesley

(1703 - 1791)

American poet William Carlos Williams.

William Carlos Williams

(1883 - 1963)

Black and white photograph of English writer Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf

(1882 - 1941)
