Voices In Time Youth c. 625 BC | Sparta Trials of Strength If the child was weakly and deformed, they ordered it to be thrown into a deep cavern.More
Voices In Time Youth 1746 | Bath Life Lessons I know how unwelcome advice generally is; I know that those who want it most like it and follow it least.More
Voices In Time Youth c. 1525 | Shangxi Province Human Capital I ask her, “Why do you wish to sell your son?”More
Voices In Time Youth c. 1550 | Shanyin Sweet and Cold What a shame that I have carried a boy, as he ate some candy, to his death.More
Voices In Time Youth 1845 | Germany Just Deserts The great tall tailor always comes to little boys that suck their thumbs.More
Voices In Time Youth 8 | Tomis Love at First Sight Child, what you seek is nowhere to be found, your beloved is lost when you avert your eyes. More
Voices In Time Youth 1943 | Washington, DC Blaming the Parents J. Edgar Hoover puts teens in time out. More
Voices In Time Youth c. 1330 | Kyoto A Time for Ruin The old are as superior to the young in wisdom as the young are superior to the old in looks.More
Voices In Time Youth 1837 | London Poor Stupid Me Young Victoria is all aflutter on the day she learns she is queen.More
Voices In Time Youth c. 885 | Kyūshū Count Your Blessings A medieval guilt trip encourages children to be grateful for their suppers.More
Voices In Time Youth 2014 | Northern California Veneration of Youth Noam Scheiber on cosmetic surgery in Silicon Valley.More