Christian Science reveals incontrovertibly that Mind is All-in-all, that the only realities are the divine Mind and idea. This great fact is not, however, seen to be supported by sensible evidence until its divine Principle is demonstrated by healing the sick and thus proved absolute and divine. This proof once seen, no other conclusion can be reached.
Jesus demonstrated the power of Christian Science to heal mortal minds and bodies. But this power was lost sight of and must again be spiritually discerned, taught, and demonstrated according to Christ’s command, with “signs following.” Its Science must be apprehended by as many as believe in Christ and spiritually understand Truth.
Christian Science is natural, but not physical. The Science of God and man is no more supernatural than is the science of numbers, though departing from the realm of the physical, as the Science of God, Spirit, must, some may deny its right to the name of Science. The Principle of divine metaphysics is God; the practice of divine metaphysics is the utilization of the power of Truth over error; its rules demonstrate its Science. Divine metaphysics reverses perverted and physical hypotheses as to Deity, even as the explanation of optics rejects the incidental or inverted image and shows what this inverted image is meant to represent.
After a lengthy examination of my discovery and its demonstration in healing the sick, this fact became evident to me—that Mind governs the body, not partially but wholly. I submitted my metaphysical system of treating disease to the broadest practical tests. Since then this system has gradually gained ground, and has proved itself, whenever scientifically employed, to be the most effective curative agent in medical practice.
From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. After experimenting with homeopathy and receiving hypnosis from a leader of the New Thought movement named Phineas P. Quimby, Eddy in 1866 fell on a patch of ice in Lynn, Massachusetts, and purportedly sustained serious injuries. Through her subsequent recovery she discovered “the Science of divine metaphyiscal healing.” The first Christian Science Church was founded in 1879, and the daily Christian Science Monitor appeared in 1908, two years before Eddy died at the age of eighty-nine.
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