“Farewell, a Long Farewell, to All My Greatness!” from Harper’s Weekly, 1869. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
“The nation was at a crossroads, and the very center of that crossroads was impeachment.” These words are near the beginning of historian Brenda Wineapple’s new book, which is not about today or the 1990s or the 1970s but Reconstruction, specifically 1868, when the impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson began. Wineapple went on The World in Time to discuss The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation, setting the scene and introducing us to the most important characters.
Lewis H. Lapham talks with Brenda Wineapple, author of The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation.
Thanks to our generous donors. Lead support for this podcast has been provided by Elizabeth “Lisette” Prince. Additional support was provided by James J. “Jimmy” Coleman Jr.