Voices In Time Fashion 2015 | Washington, DC Between the Pinstripes Cintra Wilson masters a disguise. More
Voices In Time Fashion 1818 | London Perpetual Motion William Hazlitt on the contradictions of fashion.More
Voices In Time Fashion 1688 | Paris Complex Mirror For better or for worse, a portrait reflects its time. More
Voices In Time Fashion c. 1870 | Bahr el Ghazal Ironclad No one is free from the fetters of fashion. More
Voices In Time Fashion 1870 | Providence, RI Convention Wisdom “What kind of reformers be you, with goose wings on your head?”More
Voices In Time Fashion 1705 | Yaroslavl Lose the Beard “The beard will grow again, the head will not.”More
Voices In Time Fashion 1804 | Washington Islands Diamond Tattoos Are Forever Ink of the Washington Islands. More
Voices In Time Fashion 1851 | Seneca Falls, NY Wearing the Pants Amelia Bloomer throws off a burden.More
Voices In Time Fashion c. 1876 | Sorrento Custom of the Countries Are you a nationalist or an individual?More