Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1939 | New York City David Selznick Gives a Damn “Gone with the Wind” must not be censored.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1970 | Washington, DC Elvis Presley Is on Your Side Richard Nixon takes a meeting with the King.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters c. 1975 | Toronto Turning His Back on the Audience Glenn Gould leaves the concert hall for the recording studio.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1849 | New York City American Idol Fighting over Shakespeare at Astor Place.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 2005 | New York City At the Blackboard Kurt Vonnegut diagrams the shapes of stories.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1939 | New York City Umbilical Cord of Gold Clement Greenberg on the changing role of the avant-garde.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1976 | New York City Lee Quinones Does the Cars The story behind a graffiti masterpiece.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1832 | Missouri Painting Little Bear George Catlin’s portrait problems.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1956 | New York City Callous Disregard An open letter on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim design.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1922 | Chicago Up North with the Greats Louis Armstrong makes a dream come true.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1995 | Los Angeles Robert Towne on the Plight of Screenwriters The difficulty of maintaining the cinematic illusion.More