Voices In Time Revolutions 1517 | Wittenberg Questioning the Pope Martin Luther lodges a complaint.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1776 | New England All Men Would Be Tyrants if They Could John and Abigail Adams compare notes on the American Revolution.More
Voices In Time Revolutions c. 460 BC | Athens Putting Down the Revolt Zeus makes Prometheus pay the price.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1841 | Concord, MA All Things Renew Ralph Waldo Emerson on the transience of all things.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1787 | Paris The Tree of Liberty Thomas Jefferson tends the garden of revolution.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1938 | Paris Demystifying the Magic Word Simone Weil’s reflections on revolution.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1685 | London So Many False Arguments The Duke of Monmouth ain’t too proud to beg.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1937 | Berlin Adolf Hitler Writes History “Each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood that God has given it.”More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1860 | Columbia, SC No Common Bond South Carolina dissolves the Union.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1976 | Paris Class Notes Julio Cortázar considers politics vs. literature.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1792 | Saint-Domingue Nonnegotiable Demands Toussaint Louverture resolves to live free or die.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 72 BC | Italy His Name Was Spartacus Plutarch on the insurrection of the gladiators.More