Essay Communication In the Panthéon By Philipp Blom History is written by the victors. So, too, in the world of ideas. Phillipp Blom on a group of thinkers far more daring than those enshrined in the Panthéon. More
Essay Communication Body Language By Arika Okrent When we form our thoughts into speech, some of it leaks through our gestures, revealing intricacies of language, ethnicity and assimilation. More
Essay Communication Word for Word By Ben Zimmer Peter Mark Roget’s Thesaurus was the creation of an obsessive list-maker that became a tool and a temptation for generations of writers. 8.3.4 More
Essay Communication Native Tongues By Simon Winchester The making of the Dictionary of American Regional English, a five-thousand-page, five-volume book documenting the history of American slang. More
Essay Communication Tape Delay By Madeline Miller How we misread Virgil for two thousand years, and what made it possible for a small group of scholars to figure it out. More