American poet Robert Frost.

Robert Frost

(1874 - 1963)

As a little-known poet in 1912, Robert Frost at the age of thirty-eight moved his family from New Hampshire to London, hoping to find more receptive publishers. Ezra Pound helped him publish his first volume, A Boy’s Will, in 1913. When he returned to the United States two years later, he found that his second collection, North of Boston, had been a best seller. About the poet’s craft, he once wrote, “For my pleasure I had as soon write free verse as play tennis with the net down.”

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I think we are inexterminable, like flies and bedbugs.

—Robert Frost, 1959


A 1959 Chicago Daily Tribune article about Robert Frost, who had recently proclaimed his confidence in humanity’s resilience in the face of missile threats, ran with the headline human race bomb proof, poet believes.

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