Voices In Time States of War c. 1914 | Ypres Louis-Ferdinand Céline Bids Farewell to His Colonel Losing one’s virginity to the horrors of war.More
Voices In Time States of War 1906 | Stanford Proposing the Moral Equivalent of War William James considers substitutes for martial experience.More
Voices In Time States of War 1917 | Hindenburg Trench In No Man’s Land Siegfried Sassoon enters a zone of inhuman havoc.More
Voices In Time States of War c. 1918 | Flanders Dulce Et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen exposes the old lie.More
Voices In Time States of War 1914 | St. Petersburg/Berlin War Comes Dressed in the Spirit of Friendship Tsar Nicholas and Kaiser Wilhelm telegram appeals.More
Voices In Time States of War 1917 | Washington, DC A World Made Safe Woodrow Wilson champions democracy. More
Voices In Time States of War 1918 | Petrograd Preserving the Revolution Lenin puts his foot down. More