Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 1330 | Kyoto Cost-Benefit Analysis Yoshida Kenkō on getting one’s priorities in order.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1861 | London Power Points Mrs. Beeton and the art of household management.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1525 | Bavaria Serfs Up Peasants refuse to be pawns in the game of the life.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 1750 | Ingolstadt A Single-Minded Scientist Mary Shelley on the arduous quest to reanimate matter.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1778 | Paris Clear-Sighted Ambition Mozart does not care to wrestle with dwarfs.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1851 | Atlantic Ocean Between Sharks and Spades Queequeg at the end of a monkey rope.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1844 | Paris What Is Human Becomes Animal Marx’s theory of alienation.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 1548 | Geneva Assigned Positions John Calvin explains how to find your vocation.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 30 BC | Lombardy Work Ethic Virgil on the relentless efforts of early man.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1621 | Oxford The Devil’s Tools Robert Burton on the disease of idleness.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work 1839 | Stonegappe Hands Full Charlotte Brontë overworked and overwhelmed.More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 530 | Monte Cassino Stitches in Time “Idleness is the enemy of the soul.”More