
Every City Has a Sex and an Age

How our readers define their cities.

By Michelle Legro

Friday, September 17, 2010

Caricature of Paris Invaded by Demolishers, by Edmont Morin, nineteenth century. Morin's caricature emphasizes the invasive and destructive nature of Georges-Eugène Haussmann's Paris renovation. Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island.

Every city has a sex and an age which have nothing to do with demography. Rome is feminine. So is Odessa. London is a teenager, an urchin, and in this hasn’t changed since the time of Dickens. Paris, I believe, is a man in his twenties in love with an older woman. —John Berger, 1987

Yesterday we asked our readers on the LQ FacebookTumblr, and Twitter to reimagine the John Berger quote above for their own city. About halfway through the day, @walrusmagazine and The Atlantic tumblr jumped on board, providing us with hundreds of city definitions for towns large and small from every corner of North America, all gathered under the hashtag #mycityis. Here are some of our favorites, and feel free to add your own in the comments.

Cincinnati is an unemployed Mark Twain impersonator. (@amyhordes)

Minneapolis is a twenty-something Lutheran nerd on a bike. (Tom Flynn)

San Francisco is a wiry guy in his late thirties who may or may not have had a drug problem. (Heather Donahue)

Syracuse is a dead man in an open casket at a funeral no one attends. (Steven Featherstone)

Jacksonville, Florida is a failed politician in his seventies, elected once to a minor state office, who now everyday is annihilated by the regret he feels at not leaving for Costa Rica when he had the chance. (Christian Henderson)

Arcata, CA is a late-50's unemployed commercial fisherman whose making a go of it farming marijuana. (Mike Sprecher)

Irvine, CA is a 38 year old woman telling you she's 30 and everything's "natural. (@NateWolfson)

Calgary is an oil CEO who secretly perfoms burlesque. Quite talented. (@msimoens)

Edmonton is a wealthy, middle-aged housewife whose sole ambition is to fit back into her prom dress. (@sarahevekelly)

Halifax is the hot cousin you secretly have a crush on but won't tell anyone because that's weird. (@SeanDMcMullen)

New York is the popular kid that no one wants to tell about the mustard on his shirt. (@jacobpstein)

Toronto is a very short young man who wears a bow tie, holds his cig upright, & never belly laughs, only chuckles. (@alexmolotkow)

Montreal is an old prostitute still managing to make a living by selling pictures of what she once was. (@scrypticwriter)

Oklahoma City is a 50 year old middle-manager devouring self-help books in his den while it's a beautiful day outside. (@sans_saraf)

Pawucket, RI is an old timey lunchbox, like the ones carried up by Empire State Building construction workers. (@bindery)

Portland is your younger sister, always scribbling and sighing and pining. (@kellymce)

St. Louis is a twenty-something guy who likes to tell you all about the great times he had last night at that club you couldn’t get into. (Mark Coatney)

Washington, DC is a driven young political consultant who, despite the exhausting pace of his work, still makes time for art openings, smooth jazz, and light blogging. (theatlantic)

East Lansing, Michigan, is a transgendered octogenarian eating Chef Boyardee ravioli straight out of the can. (@misterhippity)

Oakland, CA is a fortysomething yoga mom secure in the knowledge that raising chickens is the true path to equanimity. (@cmonstah)