Charles Gunter
Letter to the Charleston Mercury,
Letter to the Charleston Mercury,
Move here to Brazil and buy land, which you can do on four years’ credit, at twenty-two cents per acre, better than I ever saw anywhere in the United States, even in the richest portions of Alabama. With your sons to assist you, you will be as independent in a year as any person need be. Bring with you all tools you can, as yours are generally better than can be bought here. Bring all your household furniture except very heavy articles of wood. Bring as many kinds of seed as you can, fig and grape cuttings. With what means you have, don’t fear to start. With your furniture, tools, and the labor of your sons, I should consider you rich. If you can bring any number of such families as your own, I can safely guarantee them homes, and plenty in a land for which Providence has done more than for any other I have ever seen or heard of. We have here a beautiful place for our village, in the center of rich land and on a grand river. This is midsummer, thermometer at 85 degrees, ranging through the year from 95 to 65 degrees. We are twenty-five miles from the sea and have a daily breeze from the Atlantic. There are now about twenty families here and, before you can join us, we shall have a steamer on the river. Our government is unobjectionable; there is the most perfect freedom of religious worship.