Ruth Bader Ginsburg

(1933 - 2020)

Born in Brooklyn in 1933, Ruth Bader Ginsburg attended Cornell, Harvard Law School, and Columbia Law School before becoming a law professor, a lawyer at the ACLU, a federal judge, and, in 1993, a Supreme Court justice. She was one of nine women in her class at Harvard and is now one of three women on the highest court in the U.S. Her personal trainer wrote a book about her grueling workout, and when Ginsburg was asked about her meme-inspiring nickname, Notorious RBG, borrowed from Biggie, she responded, “It seems altogether natural because we have one very important thing in common—we were both born and raised in Brooklyn.”

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“The image you get from reading the Roe v. Wade opinion is it’s mostly a doctor’s-rights case—a doctor’s right to prescribe what he thinks his patient needs,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in a 2018 interview with legal scholar Jeffrey Rosen. “My idea of how choice should have developed was not a privacy notion, not a doctor’s-right notion, but a woman’s right to control her own destiny, to be able to make choices without a Big Brother state telling her what she can and cannot do.”

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