

In times of pestilence, gaiety and joyousness are most profitable.

—Jacme d’Agramont, 1348

Disease is not of the body but of the place.

—Latin proverb

Even diseases have lost their prestige, there aren’t so many of them left.

—Louis-Ferdinand Céline, 1960

It is strange indeed that the more we learn about how to build health, the less healthy Americans become.

—Adelle Davis, 1951

Everyone who is sick is someone else’s patient zero.

—Leslie Jamison, 2020

If we wait for a pandemic to appear, it will be too late to prepare.

—George W. Bush, 2005

Men worry over the great number of diseases, while doctors worry over the scarcity of effective remedies.

—Bian Qiao, c. 500 BC

The beginning of health lies in knowing the disease.

—Miguel de Cervantes, 1615

The best quarantine is hygiene.

—Richard D. Arnold, 1871

’Tis the destroyer, or the devil, that scatters plagues about the world.

—Cotton Mather, 1693

’Tis a portentous sign / When a man sweats and at the same time shivers.

—Plautus, c. 180 BC

Disease makes men more physical, it leaves them nothing but body.

—Thomas Mann, 1924

The passion for setting people right is in itself an afflictive disease.

—Marianne Moore, 1935