In a time when print faces numerous challenges, Lapham’s Quarterly is no exception. Lewis was working tirelessly to find a new home for his beloved publication and was closing in on a partnership that would ensure his legacy at the time of his passing. This effort is still underway, but we need your help to make his dream a reality.
Your donation will help us make the transition to a new nonprofit institution that will house Lapham’s Quarterly. Specifically, your support will allow us to:
• Print and ship the completed Energy issue
• Re-hire editorial staff to finish work on the in-progress Islands issue
• Resolve the Quarterly’s historic debt
• Distribute free copies of the magazine to prisons and schools, which was Lewis’s longtime hope
• Ensure the Quarterly survives and thrives, particularly during this time of political volatility
If the Quarterly has meant something to you, we ask you to please help us keep it alive. You can make a tax-deductible contribution through our fiscal sponsor and you will receive a receipt acknowledging your charitable gift.
For more information, contact Paul Morris, Publisher & Executive Director, at