

Edward Abbey

(1927 - 1989)

Alain de Lille

(c. 1128 - 1202)

Portrait of Francis Bacon in sixteenth-century armor.

Francis Bacon

(1561 - 1626)

Nicholas Barbon

(c. 1640 - 1698)

Image of Japanese haiku poet Matsuo Bashō.

Matsuo Basho

(1644 - 1694)

Photograph of English art critic, novelist, and painter John Berger.

John Berger

(1926 - 2017)

Photograph of American writer and naturalist Henry Beston.

Henry Beston

(1888 - 1968)

William Blake

(1757 - 1827)

Charles Bowden

(1945 - 2014)

Depiction of Plymouth colony governor William Bradford.

William Bradford

(1590 - 1657)

American poet Anne Bradstreet.

Anne Bradstreet

(c. 1612 - 1672)

Painted portrait of French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, count de Buffon.

Georges-Louis Leclerc, count de Buffon

(1707 - 1788)

D. Graham Burnett

Photograph of Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

(1907 - 1964)

Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, and writer Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

(106 BC - 43 BC)

American author Evan S. Connell.

Evan S. Connell

(1924 - 2013)

Black and white photograph of Polish-born English writer Joseph Conrad.

Joseph Conrad

(1857 - 1924)

Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.

Hernán Cortés

(1485 - 1547)

French-American author J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur.

J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur

(1735 - 1813)

Photograph of American poet Countee Cullen.

Countee Cullen

(1903 - 1946)

Italian poet Dante Alighieri.

Dante Alighieri

(1265 - 1321)

Image of English naturalist Charles Darwin.

Charles Darwin

(1809 - 1882)

Black and white photograph of Emily Dickinson sitting next to a desk.

Emily Dickinson

(1830 - 1886)

French man of letters Denis Diderot.

Denis Diderot

(1713 - 1784)