Voices In Time Energy 1638 | Vesuvius Habitation of Hell Athanasius Kircher descends into a volcano.More
Voices In Time Disaster 1666 | London Annus Horribilis Edward Hyde looks at what’s left after the fire.More
Voices In Time Rule of Law c. 1683 | Amsterdam Preservation Society John Locke on the right to bear farms.More
Voices In Time Scandal c. 1673 | Bath Apology Tour Joseph Glanvill on how to get a damned spot out.More
Voices In Time Freedom 1644 | London Live in Sin John Milton argues that the will cannot be licensed.More
Voices In Time Scandal 1604 | Vienna What Man Thou Art Isabella looks for someone who will believe her.More
Voices In Time Ways of Learning 1644 | London Misspent Youth John Milton repairs the ruins of education.More
Voices In Time Crimes & Punishments 1651 | Paris Order of Mischief A philosophical hierarchy of crimes. More