Voices In Time Politics 1848 | Seneca Falls, NY It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World Elizabeth Cady Stanton protests the subjection of women.More
Voices In Time Music 1841 | Boston Words Do Not Suffice Margaret Fuller on the “all-enfolding language” of music.More
Voices In Time Water 1837 | Lake Huron Sparkling Waters Anna Jameson voyages in a Canadian canoe.More
Voices In Time Revolutions c. 1850 | New England Getting on the Train Nathaniel Hawthorne blows some smoke.More
Voices In Time Politics 1849 | Concord, MA Declining the Honor Henry David Thoreau quietly declares war with the state.More
Voices In Time About Money c. 1850 | Mississippi River Playing the Market Huck and Jim ponder true wealth. More
Voices In Time Medicine 1847 | Tennessee Civilization and Its Discontents Dorothea Dix pleads for the creation of a new institution.More
Voices In Time Rule of Law 1831 | Washington, DC This Land Is Our Land John Marshall makes a decision about the Cherokee Nation’s home.More
Voices In Time Migration 1836 | Washington, DC Against Our Will John Ross fights for his sacred inheritance.More
Voices In Time Home 1840 | Philadelphia Acquired Taste Edgar Allan Poe considers the philosophy of furniture.More
Voices In Time Climate 1848 | Cooperstown, NY Stump Speech Susan Fenimore Cooper speaks for the trees.More
Voices In Time Energy c. 1843 | Avoyelles Parish, LA A More Vindictive Energy Solomon Northup is pushed past his limits. More
Voices In Time The Future 1839 | Washington, DC Manifest Destiny The boundless future of American greatness.More
Voices In Time The City 1849 | San Francisco Mud and Mules William Tecumseh Sherman’s adventures in California.More