Voices In Time Energy c. 1540 | Antwerp Saint Catherine’s Oil Karel de Minne’s alternative medicine.More
Voices In Time Friendship 1558 | Paris Friends in High Places Madame de La Fayette on the demands of loyalty.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1543 | Nuremburg A Modest Proposal Nicolaus Copernicus rearranges the heavens. More
Voices In Time Philanthropy 1545 | Florence Getting Satisfaction Benvenuto Cellini gets what he wants. More
Voices In Time Lines of Work c. 1548 | Geneva Assigned Positions John Calvin explains how to find your vocation.More
Voices In Time Water 1558 | London Choose Wisely William Bullein sees water’s grossness and salubriousness.More
Voices In Time Time c. 1503 | London Raising the Stakes Thomas More encounters fame, time, and eternity.More
Voices In Time Rule of Law 1574 | Greenwich Vanity of Vanities Elizabeth I unleashes the fashion police.More
Voices In Time Intoxication 1530 | Veste Coburg To Spite the Devil Martin Luther drinks his demons away.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1590 | London Nature’s Fruitful Progenies Edmund Spenser on life “in everlasting store.”More