Voices In Time Death c. 58 BC | Egypt The Fable of Hell Diodorus Siculus observes an Egyptian funeral.More
Voices In Time Swindle & Fraud 395 | Hippo To Believe or to Assume Saint Augustine on the nature of little white lies.More
Voices In Time Animals c. 470 BC | West Africa Gorilla Warfare Hanno encounters a formidable foe. More
Voices In Time Climate c. 160 | Alexandria Celestial Seasoning Ptolemy foretells the influence of the stars.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 100 | Alexandria The Drug of Folly Sports’ culture of intoxication.More
Voices In Time Flesh c. 303 | Sicca Veneria Indecent Exposure Displaying the parts that decency hides. More
Voices In Time Crimes & Punishments c. 228 | Naukratis Something Is Rotten in the Agora Athenaeus prefers a fish out of water.More
Voices In Time Philanthropy c. 197 | Carthage Articles of Incorporation In the public service of God. More
Voices In Time Eros c. 397 | Hippo The Brambles of Lust St. Augustine flounders in a broiling sea of fornication.More
Voices In Time The Future c. 1525 BC | Egypt Divination Pharaoh turns to Joseph to interpret his dreams.More