Voices In Time Politics 1812 | United States Remembrances of a Republic Past Adams and Jefferson reflect on their lives in politics.More
Voices In Time Travel c. 1805 | North America Lewis and Clark Go West “Ocian in view! O! the joy.”More
Voices In Time Scandal 1802 | Richmond, VA Revealed Truths James Thomson Callender wants to talk about Sally Hemings.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1803 | Washington, DC Asking for Particulars Thomas Jefferson’s instructions for Lewis and Clark.More
Voices In Time Animals 1813 | Kentucky Watching the Devastation John James Audubon on the plight of pigeons.More
Voices In Time Ways of Learning 1818 | Charlottesville Thomas Jefferson Opens a School Education is the foundation of a nation.More
Voices In Time Rivalry & Feud c. 1810 | Grand Tower, IL The Only Good Indian Herman Melville on a committed hatred.More
Voices In Time Intoxication 1801 | Baltimore Intervention The Great Spirit versus the evil of spirits.More
Voices In Time Foreigners c. 1811 | Missouri Territory White-Man Giver Tecumseh’s unification crusade.More
Voices In Time Politics c. 1804 | Missouri Father Knows Best Black Hawk pinpoints the origin of his people’s difficulties.More
Voices In Time Fear 1915 | Cambridge, MA Regret the Errors “There are no big cats who catch little boys who cry.”More
Voices In Time Democracy 1814 | Quincy, MA Not My Democracy John Adams wonders how long this political hurricane will last.More
Voices In Time Migration 1805 | Fort Mandan Composing a Fleet Meriwether Lewis prepares for takeoff.More