Voices In Time Intoxication c. 1628 | Merrymount Lord of Misrule A few unruly Puritans pursue everlasting jollity.More
Voices In Time States of War 1676 | New England Casualty Report An account of the English losses in the colonies.More
Voices In Time Epidemic 1634 | Plymouth Colony Do Unto Others William Bradford recounts an invisible invasion.More
Voices In Time Crimes & Punishments c. 1650 | Boston Withholding Redemption Sinners in the hands of Nathaniel Hawthorne. More
Voices In Time Magic Shows 1692 | Salem Witness Credibility Cotton Mather on what constitutes evidence of witchcraft.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1600 | Salem Staging a Puppet Show Nathaniel Hawthorne on what lies beneath Main Street.More
Voices In Time Food 1609 | Jamestown Of Such a Dish as Powdered Wife John Smith remembers the “starving time.”More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1670 | Massachusetts Bay Colony More Heaven than Earth “No winter and no night.”More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1620 | Cape Cod A Hideous and Desolate Wilderness Colonists survey their new home. More
Voices In Time Foreigners c. 1640 | Wendake In One of Dante’s Rings John Boyden sizes up the spiritual differences between Jesuits and natives.More