Voices In Time Politics c. 328 BC | Zariaspa Democratic Protocol Remember Alexander, thou art mortal.More
Voices In Time Foreigners c. 33 | Jerusalem Love Thy Neighbor Getting along, New Testament–style.More
Voices In Time About Money c. 70 | Babylon Sending for the Fires of Heaven Babylon suffers the wrath of God.More
Voices In Time Religion c. 166 BC | Judaea Blood on the Altar Judas Maccabeus restores the temple.More
Voices In Time Food c. 1250 BC | Mt. Sinai No Seagull, Hold the Camel Thus saith the Lord: eat this, not that.More
Voices In Time Celebrity c. 2100 BC | Mesopotamia Press Release Ur-Nammu, not lacking in confidence.More
Voices In Time Eros c. 950 BC | Jerusalem Treasure on Earth The joints of thy thighs are like jewels.More
Voices In Time Communication c. 350 | Syria Falling Off the Donkey An unconventional grammar lesson.More
Voices In Time Democracy c. 500 BC | Shravasti Tallying Votes The Buddha creates an election process.More