Voices In Time Climate 1536 | Basel Nurtured Nature John Calvin turns to God for the weather report.More
Voices In Time Climate 1748 | La Brède Weather Is Fate Montesquieu inhales the bracing air and is invigorated.More
Voices In Time Climate 1864 | Turin Weapons of Mass Destruction George Perkins Marsh on our derangement of nature.More
Voices In Time Climate 2019 | London The Crisis Is Already Here Greta Thunberg wants her future back.More
Voices In Time Climate 1895 | Stockholm Ice, Air, Acid, Heat Svante Arrhenius connects carbon dioxide and climate.More
Voices In Time Climate c. 1190 BC | Troy Make a Sop of All This Solid Globe William Shakespeare watches discord follow.More
Voices In Time Climate c. 340 BC | Athens Inherit the Wind Aristotle knows the earth is not round.More