Voices In Time Revolutions 1787 | Paris The Tree of Liberty Thomas Jefferson tends the garden of revolution.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1517 | Wittenberg Questioning the Pope Martin Luther lodges a complaint.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1848 | London The Bourgeois Revolution A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of communism.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1848 | Normandy The Impulse to Preserve John Ruskin defends those that cannot defend themselves.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1826 | Lima Of All Human Rewards Simón Bolívar sends a thank-you note.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1776 | New England All Men Would Be Tyrants if They Could John and Abigail Adams compare notes on the American Revolution.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1860 | Columbia, SC No Common Bond South Carolina dissolves the Union.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1792 | Saint-Domingue Nonnegotiable Demands Toussaint Louverture resolves to live free or die.More
Voices In Time Revolutions c. 460 BC | Athens Putting Down the Revolt Zeus makes Prometheus pay the price.More
Voices In Time Revolutions c. 1850 | New England Getting on the Train Nathaniel Hawthorne blows some smoke.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1620 | London The Scientific Method Francis Bacon’s inductive reasoning.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 1920 | Vienna Unholy Trinity Sigmund Freud sits humanity on the couch.More
Voices In Time Revolutions 72 BC | Italy His Name Was Spartacus Plutarch on the insurrection of the gladiators.More