Voices In Time Discovery 1783 | London Trial Balloon “Balloons occupy senators, philosophers, ladies, everybody.”More
Voices In Time Discovery 1802 | Somerset Pleasure Principle Wordsworth and Coleridge on pain and pleasure. More
Voices In Time Discovery 1823 | Timisoara A Whole New World Every scientific struggle is a serious war.More
Voices In Time Discovery 1918 | Berlin Preestablished Harmony Albert Einstein in the temple of science.More
Voices In Time Discovery 1816 | London Realms of Gold “Then felt I like some watcher of the skies / When a new planet swims into his ken.”More
Voices In Time Discovery 1849 | Downe Names in Vain Darwin trapped in “a perfect maze of doubt on nomenclature.”More
Voices In Time Discovery 1789 | Paris Matters of Fact “We should proceed from known facts to what is unknown.”More
Voices In Time Discovery 1891 | Berlin Happy Accidents Solving a problem like climbing a mountain.More