Voices In Time Arts & Letters c. 1845 | France Gustave Flaubert Conducts a Workshop Playwriting for dummies.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1778 | Paris A Pleasant Surprise For Mozart, the waiting was the hardest part.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1853 | Venice Everlasting Laws “To banish imperfection is to destroy expression.”More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1908 | Perugia Shivering Fragments Virginia Woolf seeks symmetry through discord.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1777 | Paris Second Opinion Christoph Willibald Gluck indulges his critics.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1644 | London Lifeblood of a Master Spirit He who destroys a good book, writes Milton, kills reason itself.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1859 | Lucerne Money Order Richard Wagner asks for a little encouragement.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters c. 1630 | Seville Iconography An Immaculate Conception paint by numbers.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1821 | Pisa Root and Blossom Percy Bysshe Shelley defends poetry’s divinity.More
Voices In Time Arts & Letters 1831 | Paris Writing in Stone Victor Hugo explains the language of architecture.More