Voices In Time Book of Nature 1859 | Downe Paradigm Shift Darwin marvels at the grandeur of natural selection.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1912 | Yosemite Defying the Foul Fiend John Muir defends man’s holiest temple.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1845 | Berlin Holy Communion Alexander von Humboldt stares into the image of infinity.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1803 | Cambridge Population Control Thomas Malthus on mankind living beyond its means.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1628 | England Manifest Destiny “The whole earth is the Lord’s garden & He hath given it to the Sonnes of men...”More
Voices In Time Book of Nature c. 1891 | Polynesia Natural Resources Paul Gauguin lives differently. More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1836 | Concord All Things Are Moral Ralph Waldo Emerson sees the unity of all things.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1687 | Cambridge Law of the Land Isaac Newton’s rules for investigating phenomena.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1415 | Harfleur The Unpruned Vine Shakespeare on the relationship between peace and gardens.More
Voices In Time Book of Nature 1590 | London Nature’s Fruitful Progenies Edmund Spenser on life “in everlasting store.”More